Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking

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  1. Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking On Skin
  2. Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking Skin
  3. Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking Video

FORGET the alien invaders and Nazis. Video-game wars are opening on a new front this year. In a sign that the industry's creators and players are getting older and more willing to take on potentially controversial material, video games are going to Vietnam.

The files I currently have in the “Crack (Vietcong)” folder are: Vietcong.exe flt-vcue.txt flt-vcub.bin flt-vcua.bin flt-vcub.cue flt-vcua.cue. If there is no known solution, I’m completely fine without the game. I was just very intrigued, as it is a game set in the vietnam era.

Before the year is out, the game industry will have released five major titles involving a conflict that it has largely ignored for nearly two decades. Battlefield Vietnam and Vietcong: Purple Haze, both for the PC, are already available, and Conflict: Vietnam, Men of Valor: Vietnam, and ShellShock: Nam'67 are to arrive on multiple platforms later this year.

The creators of these games say they have discovered what artists like Francis Ford Coppola and Maya Lin learned more than a generation ago: tackling America's most controversial war is not easy.

'If I'm writing Bad Boys II or Doom 3, I just go do it and have fun,' said Matt Costello, a scriptwriter for those games as well as ShellShock -- and at 55, one of the few people involved in this year's games who was of draft age during the war. 'For this one, I had to light a candle and take a deep breath.'

For years, the dominant real-world conflict in video games has been World War II. That war proved a natural fit: Nazis could be presented as an unambiguous evil that fit the simplistic morality of most video games. Early technological limitations favored a board-game-like format with equally balanced forces fighting across clearly marked terrain, a design that worked best with the large-scale combat of conflicts like World War II.

By the time game technology advanced to the point where players could be placed in the body of a fighting grunt, it was the late 90's, and World War II was having a cultural revival, from movies and TV to video games. Yet Vietnam games have barely been a blip on the industry's radar. In the last two years, the most popular World War II game, Medal of Honor Frontline, has sold more than 2.8 million copies in the United States, according to the NPD Group, a market information provider. The most prominent Vietnam game issued in that period, a 2003 version of Vietcong, sold 49,000 copies.

But three decades after the withdrawal of American troops and the fall of Saigon to the Communist North, developers and publishers think the industry is finally ready to confront Vietnam. They say the market is saturated with World War II games, and players and developers are itching for something different. (Games based on the 1991 Persian Gulf war have begun to appear as well.) And as the average age of players increases -- it reached 29 last year, according to the Entertainment Software Association, an industry trade group -- the audience is demanding 'edgier' content, said Reid Schneider, the 28-year-old producer of Battlefield Vietnam.

No one in the industry knows just how the video-game equivalents of 'Platoon' and 'Full Metal Jacket' will be received, and what nerves they might strike. 'We're on terra incognita,' Mr. Costello said.

That unknown is something that Men of Valor's director of development, John Whitmore, sought to explore when he talked to Vietnam veterans about his team's game. 'The comment we got from a lot of guys was, 'Hey, it wasn't a game when I was over there,'' said Mr. Whitmore, 35. 'And that we understand -- it wasn't a movie, it wasn't a book. It was a real experience.'

The five games offer a range of experiences and perspectives. Battlefield Vietnam focuses on multiplayer skirmishes unconnected with any story, providing what is essentially war-as-sport. Others, like ShellShock and Men of Valor, are more akin to novels or films, putting the player in control of a character who fights through a tour of duty while experiencing a story line that depicts the highs and lows of the conflict.

Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking On Skin

ShellShock is the most graphic of the five. Game play brims with tension and vulnerability as American soldiers pick their way warily through the jungle undergrowth, bracing for deadly booby traps and invisible pockets of resistance. In the course of the game, players may see an American soldier strung up to a post ('crucified,' in the words of the developers) or the heads of soldiers impaled on stakes, examples of the psychological warfare waged by the game's North Vietnamese forces.

To some critics, such sights may seem the latest example of video-game vulgarity, administering a dose of Mortal Kombat, Doom and Grand Theft Auto to a game genre that had been relatively free of atrocities. But the intent of the graphic imagery, ShellShock's developers argue, is not to debase the genre but to elevate it.

'Unlike war movies, which had moved on from the John Wayne era to the likes of 'Platoon' and 'Saving Private Ryan,' video games were still treating war in a very 50's, glorified manner,' said Martin de Ronde, commercial director for ShellShock.

'We felt we wanted to depict war, what it was really like,' said Mr. de Ronde, 30. 'War is hell, and that's exactly what we wanted to get across in the game.'

The more extreme games, including ShellShock, have yet to be rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, the main rating body for the game industry. The games that have reached the market, Battlefield Vietnam and Vietcong, which include fewer of the war's most divisive aspects, are rated T, for players 13 or older.

The question for many designers has been how to make a video-game Vietnam feel like the real thing. With Battlefield Vietnam, Electronic Arts, the nation's biggest game maker, has taken the most conservative approach so far. 'There are no flying body parts,' said Mr. Schneider, the producer. Blood has been kept to a minimum. The game evokes the mood of the era not through shocking content but with licensed music from bands like the Kinks and Jefferson Airplane.

The game even includes Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries,' which may not have gotten much airtime in the real Vietnam but conjures the surreal helicopter attacks of Mr. Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now.' Electronic Arts says its research indicates that the Hollywood Vietnam is the only representation of the war that much of its target audience knows.

Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking

Most of the creators are under 35, and their knowledge of Vietnam tends to be secondhand. The team working on Men of Valor talked to friends and family members who fought, but the primary research tool appears to have been books and films.

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Once the designers chose which horrors to include, they still had to decide who would perpetrate them. In a video game, after all, if an atrocity is committed by the main character, the blood is on the player's hands.

The Men of Valor designers tried to relegate the most sensitive events to scripted noninteractive scenes. 'What we didn't want was to see a bunch of reviews about how fun it was to gun down civilians or something like that,' Mr. Whitmore said.

Among those working on Men of Valor was Vien Hong, a 35-year-old Vietnamese-born actor based in Los Angeles who has portrayed Vietnamese characters on TV and in movies and provided voices for several characters in the game. Some of Mr. Hong's relatives died fighting alongside American forces in Vietnam, and he remembers meeting victorious Communist forces as a child. He praised the Men of Valor development team for allowing the 'enemy' to exude human qualities like humor and hunger.

He said he felt that the developers struck the right ethical balance, particularly in a scene in which a North Vietnamese combatant whose voice he supplied suffers torture at the hands of American forces.

'I'd never seen that before' in portrayals of the war, he said, adding that he had grown accustomed to movies and TV shows that only showed the North Vietnamese side doing questionable things. 'I thought it was original and I thought it was reality.'

The designers of the Vietnam video games describe their projects as among the most challenging they have worked on to date. To avoid pitfalls, the teams had to unlearn some of the fundamental tenets of war-game design. 'What we didn't want to do was take the same kind of system we created for World War II and just throw that in Vietnam,' Mr. Whitmore said.

World War II games have in principle been simple to design. But because Vietnam changed the rules of engagement, the virtual battles had to be chaotic and the goals less clear. 'Putting a player in a situation where he doesn't know where he is, doesn't know what his objective is, doesn't know who his enemy is -- that's almost exactly what the Vietnam War was about,' said ShellShock's game director, David Bowry, who is 31.

Worried that the endgame of Vietnam would prove anticlimactic for players, Mr. Whitmore encouraged his Men of Valor team to emphasize camaraderie and the goal of keeping one's friends alive. The bonds of friendship are strengthened in scenes in which characters banter about things like the futility of their patrols.

The focus on friendships among marines in the field led the Valor design team to explore the significance of race in relationships within units. This decision resulted in the breaking of another video game convention: the lead character of Men of Valor is black.

One of the most formidable technical challenges for the games' designers was making their Vietnams looks real. Until recently, the processing power of most game machines couldn't display enough polygons, the building blocks of video game visuals, to depict a layered jungle environment. 'You couldn't do jungle, and it just didn't look or feel like Vietnam,' Mr. Whitmore said.

Now that developers have the tools to emulate the Vietnam seen in other media, they have begun to consider what video games can accomplish that other art forms cannot. That many of these games will let players fight multiplayer battles from the perspective of the Vietcong or the North Vietnamese suggests the medium's unique possibilities. 'That's not something you're going to see in Hollywood films any time soon,' Mr. Schneider said.

Mr. de Ronde observed that games can be more open-ended than movies, which he said almost always contain a message. 'With video games, I think you can be more neutral,' he said. 'You can say, this is the environment. Go and experience what it was like and then come up with your own verdict of what you think of war.'

their main aim was to make Vietnam a comunistic country

Was nationalism a stronger motivating force for the vietcong and why?

Was nationalism a stronger motivating force for the vietcong and why?

What was the motive for the Vietcong?

The Vietcong was an army created and trained by the North Vietnamese government. The main objective of the Vietcong army was to fight off the American Soldiers in attempt to overrule South Vietnam in communist power.

What military did the Vietcong have over the Americans?

the Us was better than the vietcong in military it was guerilla warfare that was over the Us

How did Paris Peace Accords affect the Vietcong?

The vietcong became a legitimate political party because of the Paris Peace Accords.

What did the vietcong use tunnels systems for?

The Vietcong used tunnels to transport supplies to the front lines. The supplies included Colgate toothpaste.

What happen at MY lAI?

There was a huge military base owned by the Vietcong in My Lai. The U.S. general had orders to kill every Vietcong soldiers.

How did Vietcong reduce the effectiveness of American planes artillery and troop tactics?

The Vietcong attacked under jungle cover and mainly at night.

How did the Vietcong reduce the effectiveness of American planes artillery and troop tactics?

The Vietcong attacked under jungle cover and mainly at night.

How much support did the vietcong have in South Vietnam?

vietcong had alot of support from the south of vietnam, well the peasants anyway. It was only the south vietnamese government that didnt want communism. The people of s.vietnam very much wanted communism which was what vietcong were fighting for

What is the difference between Vietminh and the Vietcong?

Vietminh refers to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong were mostly South Vietnamese whose loyalty was with North Vietnam.

What are the release dates for Vietcong 2 - 2005 VG?

Vietcong 2 - 2005 VG was released on: USA: 24 October 2005

What are the release dates for CBS Reports - 1959 The Vietcong?

CBS Reports - 1959 The Vietcong was released on: USA: 20 February 1968

Who helped the Vietcong?

Tactics of the vietcong?

When did Vietcong form?

How did one vietcong soldier fighting in vietnam feel about the war?

typically a vietcong soldier had undying loyalty to his cause and he would never surender and he would sooner die then let the U.S prevail. The reason behind this is because unlike the NVA who forced most of their army into service the vietcong was a seperate militia that was not apart of the NVA conventional millitary. The vietcong wasn't much differnt then the insurgents in the middle east today. They were mostly radicals who…

What happened in Vietnam after the US withdrew?

After the US withdrew from Vietnam the Vietcong came into power. South Vietnam fell under communist rule by the Vietcong.

What did the french do to vietnamese resist them?

Vietnam was a French colony. The Vietcong first threw out the French. Then America tried to conquer Vietnam and the Vietcong threw out the Americans.

What was the difference between north Vietnamese and Vietcong?

North Vietnamese are inhabitants of North Vietnam, while Vietcong are Vietnamese warriors during the Viet war.

Did China and the Soviets give aid to the Vietcong?

The USSR gave aid to North Vietnam. China sent aid to the Vietcong via North Vietnam.

Who would win China or Vietcong?

There is no way the Vietcong would win against China. China has the biggest army in the world. Give China the win.

Who were most of the Vietcong?

The Vietnamese Communists, or Vietcong, were the military branch of the National Liberation Front (NLF), and were commanded by the Central Office for South Vietnam, which was located near the Cambodian border. For arms, ammunition and special equipment, the Vietcong depended on the Ho Chi Minh trail.

Why did American soldiers use Agent Orange to detect Vietcong booby traps to disrupt the enemy and food supply to kill as many Vietcong guerrillas as possible to deter villages from harboring guer?

Why did American soldiers use Agent Orange? to detect Vietcong booby traps to disrupt the enemy's food supply to kill as many Vietcong guerrillas as possible to deter villages from harboring guerrillas

Is the vietcong where vietnamese troops supported by the US congress?

The Vietcong were North Vietnamese rebel fighters. They fought against America so were NOT supported by US Congress.

How did the vietcong insurgency affect american policy toward vietnam?

The vietcong strikes convinced President Kennedy to send American military advisers to South Vietnam

What are the ratings and certificates for Vietcong Purple Haze - 2004 VG?

Vietcong Purple Haze - 2004 VG is rated/received certificates of: UK:15

What traits did most vietcong have?

Who was the leader of the Vietcong?

How did the vietcong won the war?

What were the vietcong beliefs?

Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking Skin

Who lead the Vietcong?

What are the enemies of Cambodia?

How successful were the Vietcong tactics?

Who were most vietcong?

What tactics did the Vietcong use to make them hard to beat?

The Vietcong were masters at guerrilla warfare. They would come and attack by surprise, then retreat before we had a chance to fight back.

When did the US Army discover the Vietcong tunnels in the Vietnamese War?

Probably on the very first patrol anyone went on. The Vietcong tunneled pretty constantly throughout the war.

How did tunnels help vietcong win?

The tunnels helped them win because they helped them hit and run at the enemy, or attack and get away quickly. they also helped because they helped the Vietcong get supplies through areas without being vulnerable. Lastly the helped because they kept the Vietcong safe from bombing and artillery.

Who were the vietcong fighting?

The Vietcong was a political organization and army in South Vietnam and Cambodia that fought the United States and South Vietnamese governments during the Vietnam War (1955-1975).

Why did the US forces have trouble fighting the Vietcong?

The Vietcong fought a guerrilla war based mostly from underground. They would attack and hide and ambush. This made it hard for the U.S. to fight them.

Who was the dictator of the vietcong?

What advantages did the vietcong have over Americans?

In which country did vietcong do most of their fighting?

Where were the vietcong from the north or south?

How old were the vietcong soldiers?

Vietcong Purple Haze Cracking Video

Who ran the Vietcong?

Describe how did the Vietcong fight in Vietnam?

Aims of ecommerce?

What are the aims of training and development?

What was life like for a Vietcong during the Vietnam war?

Life for a Vietcong soilder was fairly easy. Due to the continued abuse against the Americans and french. But with little to no pay it was sometimes harsh.

What is the difference between an aim and objective?

Aims are broader and wider.with the help of objectives we achieves our aims and objectives are framed if we have aim. objectives are not wide as aims it frames according to aims.