New Jersey Drivers License Number Search
Vehicles, Licensing, Registration and Regulations. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google™ Translate. Encoding and Decoding Driver's License Numbers in One Step Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco State Florida Illinois Maryland Michigan Minnesota (pre 2005) New Hampshire New Jersey.
- New Jersey Drivers License Search
- New Jersey Drivers License Number Search By Name
- Driver's License In New Jersey
One out of every four New Jersey residents is 55 or older—and that ratio is expected to increase in the coming years.
Most of the myriad rules and regulations enforced by the New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) apply to drivers of all ages and stages—and the state claims it imposes no special rules on drivers based on age alone.
Still, some of the legal controls discussed here, such as possible restrictions on a driver’s license and procedures for securing disability parking plates and placards, may be especially relevant for older drivers.
License Renewal Rules for Older Drivers
Time limits: All drivers must renew their licenses every four years.
Vision test: May be required occasionally in the discretion of MVC personnel.
Written test: Not generally required at renewal.
Road test: Not generally required at renewal.
Possible License Restrictions
The MVC can place restrictions or conditions on a person’s driver license after administering a driving test and discussing possible restrictions with him or her.
The most common restriction for older drivers is to require glasses or corrective contact lenses.
In New Jersey, other common requirements the MVC may impose on older drivers include:
- wearing a prosthetic device while driving
- driving a vehicle equipped with one or more specified mechanical devices, and
- complying with special modifications or limited driver privileges tailored to an individual medical condition.
How to Request an Unsafe Driver Investigation in New Jersey
The New Jersey MVC will accept information from family members, physicians, judges or police officers about an individual who may potentially be unsafe behind the wheel.
Conditions that the MVC recognizes as common causes for safety concerns include:
- visual impairment
- confusion or disorientation
- memory loss or lapses
- impaired or altered consciousness
- Alzheimer’s or dementia
- neurological conditions, such as seizure disorders, and
- sleep apnea.
To report an unsafe driver, concerned individuals can write a letter providing including the driver’s name, date of birth, address, driver license number and medical condition. The letter must specify the complainant’s relationship to the driver—and include details of the driver’s impairment and specific safety concerns. The reports cannot be kept anonymous and can be revealed to the driver on request.
Letters should be faxed to the Medical Fitness Review Unit at 609-341-3373 or mailed to:
Medical Fitness Review Unit
P.O Box 173
Trenton, NJ 08666
Mandatory Reporting for Doctors
New Jersey is one of only a few states that require doctors who diagnose a patient with a disorder characterized by lapses of consciousness, seizures, or loss of motor coordination to report it the MVC on a Medical Report Form.
Reports by Law Enforcement
Law enforcement officers who wish to report a potentially unsafe driver should complete a Driver Examination/Medical Evaluation Request.
New Jersey Driver Improvement Programs
Drivers can improve their skills by taking an education and training class specifically developed for older drivers. A number of Mature Driver Courses are offered locally.
How to Get a License Reinstated
For licenses that have been suspended because the driver has been found “medically unqualified,” contact the Medical Review Unit by phone at 609-292-7500, ext. 5032 or fax at 609-292-7504. For other types of suspensions or revocations, contact the MVC’s Driver Management Bureau at 609-292-7500.
How to Get Parking Placards or License Plates for a Disabled Driver
A motorist who has temporarily lost mobility and is medically certified can obtain a temporary placard from the local police department. The placard, which costs $4, is valid for six months and may be renewed only once.
Drivers with more permanent disabilities may be able to obtain disabled person parking placards and license plates if a licensed medical practitioner certifies that their mobility is impaired.
The placards and plates are available for those who:
- have lost the use of one or more limbs as a consequence of paralysis, amputation, or other permanent disability
- are severely and permanently disabled and cannot walk without the use of or assistance from a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair or other assistive device
- have severe lung disease
- have a severe cardiac condition
- are severely and permanently limited in the ability to walk because of an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition; or cannot walk two hundred feet without stopping to rest,
- have a permanent sight impairment of both eyes as certified by the N.J. Commission of the Blind, if they seek a placard only.
To obtain a disability placard or plate:
- Complete and sign an Application for Vehicle License Plates and/or Placard for Persons With a Disability.
- Get help with completing the application, and avoid delays that may come from filling it out improperly, with the downloadable Instructional Checklist.
- Have a licensed physician, podiatrist, chiropractor, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant complete the Medical Practitioner’s Certification portion of the application.
- Take the original application to a local MVC agency or mail it to the MVC Special Plate Unit address listed on it.
For more information on disability parking privileges in New Jersey, see the MVC's FAQ on the topic.
Learn More About New Jersey Driving Rules for Seniors
The MVC website contains basic information for New Jersey drivers, including rules on licensing and vehicle registration requirements.
Of special interest is the downloadable “New Jersey Driver Manual,” which includes tips for safe and defensive driving, along with explanations of local rules of the road.
Where to Find a Lawyer for Help
You can use Nolo’s Lawyer Directory to find a local lawyer experienced in representing older people who need help with auto accidents or traffic tickets in New Jersey.
The first letter is obviously your last name - the next 4numbers after the letter is an encoding system for your last name-everyone with the same last name will have the same 4 encodednumbers or digits -
The next 5 numbers are an encoding system for your first name (a3 digit code) and then a (2 digit code) for your middle initial
The Last 5 numbers are a weight class (1st digit)-no longerpublished on the DL, the month (2nd digit)-sometimes includes thefirst digit, and year (3rd &4th digits) of the persons birthand the last number (5th digit) is the color of the personseyes
What does the number on Louisiana drivers license mean or how do they get it?
People with Louisiana driver licenses have a number on it so they can tell who you are. They get it from the system in a computer.
What does conax mean on a mn driver's license?
What does conax mean in mn?
What does a hole in a drivers license mean?
What do the numbers on minnesota drivers license mean?
Known as a 'soundex number' the numbers identify certain things about the bearer of the license and are associated with that person in the state's DMV computers records.
Can you get your driver's license at age 16 in New York?
You can get you license at 16 but it wont be a full license. For the mean time you will have a junior drivers license that will let you drive from 5am to 9pm. Then when you are 18 they will send you a full drivers license.
What does type cor on your Illinois drivers license mean?
That indicates that the Type of driver's license you have is Corrected.
How old do you have to be to have a license?
What is the statute of limitations for a revoked drivers License in State of Illinois?
Answer I'm not quite sure what you mean. If your license is revoked in Illinois, you can not drive. It was 1991 i now live in NH. and want to get a drivers license.
Can a civilian enforce surrendering of a drivers license for the purpose of employment?
What is meant by 'surrendering?' If you mean giving a copy of your license to your employer for their records, that is legal and proper. Your drivers license is a 'public record' document.
What do the numbers on the hawaiian drivers license mean?
The numbers running down the side of the drivers license is an internal code from the DOL. It does not mean anything specifically it is just a sort of identification code the DOL uses.
What does it mean if ya drivers license is revoked?
it means you cannot drive until they give you license back to you.
Does having a valid drivers license mean that someone is here legally?
No. A driving license is simply a license to drive. It does not indicate citizenship.
What does the star on a ga drivers license mean?
What is 10-27 police code mean?
What happens when there is a car accident but the person not at fault has insurance but no drivers license?
your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,
What does a g restriction mean on a Oklahoma drivers license?
What does rest B mean on the IL drivers license?
As an active duty person stationed in Florida am I required to get a Florida drivers license?
By federal law, a Military issued drivers license is 'supposed' to be accepted by the states when that active duty person is stationed there. That does not mean that Florida will do it, but they are supposed to.
Can you be 15 and a half years old and have a drivers license?
I assume you mean 'license' and not 'lisence'. No, not unless you can spell it properly. ;) Seriously, in general no, but it varies by state.
What does permit mean?
New Jersey Drivers License Search
permitting means to allow someone to do something but not fully or for long. Such as a drivers permit they can not drive alone or with anybody else without a drivers license.
What does restriction p mean on a Texas drivers license?
Youn only dRive to and from work or dr appointments.
What does a gold star on my ga drivers license mean?
It means that it conforms to federal REAL ID laws.
What does a Q restriction mean on a Pa Commerical Drivers License?
What does org mean on Illinois drivers licenses?
Type: ORG identifies your drivers license as the original. Type: COR means your drivers license has been corrected e.g. new address. Type: DUP is issued when you report your license as lost or stolen. If you eventually find the original, do not use it! If a Police Officer checks, the DMV database will flag it as invalid.
Can you sell your car to a friend without a license?
Yes. I presume you mean drivers' license and that your friend is 18 or older. Many people who do not drive own cars.
What is the highest soccer number?
If you mean jersey number, then the highest number is 99.
What does the number 3 mean on the Minnesota Twins sleeves mean?
What does type mean on drivers license?
How many axles you can druve. Most people can drive a 2 axle vehicle.
What does bac fail mean?
It means you had too much alcohol in your blood when it was tested and you will likely lose your drivers license.
What does rest A mean in a drivers license?
Rest A - means you must drive with corrected vision, ie, glasses or contacts.
Just got my drivers license after i been pulled over with out one does this mean they wont take it away no more?
No. Driving is not a right. They can take your license away at any time.
When a 16 year old gets a ticket for no drivers license and for running a stop does this mean she has to wait till she's 18 to be able to get her drivers license now?
This depends on what state you are in and what the court rules, but most likely they will withhold your ability to get a license until they feel you would be old and mature enough to drive a motorized vehicle.
How can you get a provisional license?
It depends on what you mean by a 'provisional' license. Typically that is reserved for someone who has lost a license because of violations such as driving while impaired. If you have lost a license because of impaired driving or exceeding the number of 'points' that have been acquired, you'll need to speak with either the judge who revoked your license or the state drivers license office, then you'll need proof of insurance. Insurance following…
What does restriction c mean on a Washington drivers license?
restriction C = Corrective lenses. this means you must wear glasses or contacts
What does a B restriction mean on Texas Drivers License?
A licensed driver of 21 years of age or older must be in the front seat.
New Jersey Drivers License Number Search By Name
If you jaywalk on a bike can they suspend your license?
if you mean a bicycle, most likely not. To suspend a drivers license usually you need to be committing a motor vehicle offense or it is part of a restriction due to probation, etc.
How much car insurance will I have to pay after having 2 DUI's in New Jersey?
Lot's I hope. I don't think you should have a drivers license or be allowed to drive at all with two dui charges. I assume you mean within a short time period. Please clean up your act or stay out of a vehicle.
Driver's License In New Jersey
Is a CPL in WA linked to your vehicle plates or DL?
Don't know what a CPL is. If you mean a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) then it's linked to your personal Drivers License. No license plate is linked to your Drivers License the plates are linked to the registered owner. Any violations on your CDL will be listed and the points lost will be connected to your personal license, as is the other way around. They are just listed differently is all. All accidents, violations, etc…
What do the numbers on the Jordans mean?
How can affordable auto insurance be beneficial to a new driver?
Insurance companies sometimes offer discounts or lower premiums to experienced drivers who are younger. Having no points against one's drivers license can mean a lower premium.
What does it mean when a guy knows your license plate number?
What do the first two letters of an Idaho driver's license mean?
The Idaho Government and DMV have zoned out the state to help make identification quicker. A two digit identification is added to the drivers license as well as their car's tag.
What does re 2 on drivers license mean?
Not enough information is given. It could mean several things. (1) You have been revoked on 2 previous occasions. (2) That this is a replacement or duplicate license. (3) - etc - etc - etc. Call up your DMV office and ASK.
Can you have 2 drivers license?
If you mean in the instance of your drivers licence and a duplicate of that licence, yes. You may not, however, have two licences with different ID numbers, or have a licence from more than one state. In general, though it may not be true everywhere, you are expected to turn in or destroy your old driver's license when you receive a new one.
What do the numbers of the basketball players mean?
it is just there jersey number... It is their jersey numbers (not there), which means that they can be identified by broadcasters in the booth and whoever is keeping the books for fouls so the ref can identify them by number.
What does a J Restriction mean on a Texas Drivers License?
You must have a driver at least 21 years of age in sight at all times while you're driving.
What is an agency number?
An agency number may mean the phone number of a specific agency such as the FBI or other private, government, or business agency. It could also mean the number of an agency's business license.
What does it mean when an officer takes your drivers license at a traffic accident?
Nothing really. It is standard procedure. They are making sure your license is valid, checking address, and will look up your driving record if needed. If you get a ticket as a result of the accident it will go on your record.
If you quit school how old do you have to be to get your licenses?
Do you mean your drivers license? You should talk to your state DMV, but once you reach 18 in most states you can go take your test and get your license. Your school attendance has nothing to do with your ability to get a driver's license other than the availability of driver's ed through the school.